In our division you will receive comprehensive personal consultation and treatment. As an internationally networked and actively researching division, we can design a treatment plan for you and together with you according to the latest scientific findings.
Our specialty is more attuned to personalized medicine than almost any other. Modern developments from cutting-edge research at the Medical University of Graz open up new perspectives even in seemingly hopeless disease states.
In 2019, we cared for 1,610 patients in our outpatient clinics and 509 patients in day clinic.
The uniqueness and the added value of our division are the result of the symbiosis between patient care, research and education. The division is jointly operated by the Medical University of Graz and the Styrian Hospital Association (KAGes). This interdisciplinary cooperation between both providers at the University Hospital Graz site is also reflected on our website. More information on patient care can be found at the University Hospital Graz website.